Tuesday, March 6, 2012

PANDAmonium interview with The Cranberry Show

Hailing out of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the rap duo "The Cranberry Show" recently let us ask them a few questions about their recent mixtape, the meaning of life, where they buried Jimmy Hoffa, etc. Just kidding. It's all about their music. But we should mention that they started off the interview like this:

Ok, we might be exaggerating about that too. But really, they did answer a few questions for us.

What's the significance of your groups name and the name of your last mixtape?

THE CRANBERRY SHOW: As far as the name, as a fruit the cranberry cleans out your body's system. And we think of HipHop as a system we want to clean out with good music. And we thought of the name Paranormal Karaoke for our latest album because we know we wanted a darker project than our last. But, we also wanted people to be able to sing along to it. Se we thought of two words that embodied those two feelings and put them together.

What made you guys get into rapping?

ARCANE: Sex.... Money and murder lol

YOUNG FOCUS: lol  @ "Sex, $ & Murder" As for me, my older brother was really into HipHop and actually was rapping before me. He wrote me a rap when I was like 12 and I've been mc'n ever since

Your music seems to integrate a lot of different genres, who are your biggest musical influences?

ARCANE Honestly, my biggest musical influence is the Bay area. I still fuck with groups like 'The Pack'. I respect how open they are no matter how unintelligent they seem.

YOUNG FOCUS: I'm actually very big into Classical music, alternative Rock, Motown and old 50's and 60's singers. A lot of hip hop wasn't allowed to be played inside my home, so I had to catch it outside the crib. One of my biggest musical influences is Smokey Robinson. 

Does being from Wisconsin, which isn't really known for it's hip hop culture, hold you back at all?

TCS: Not at all. there is a famous quote from a 1989 movie called Field of Dreams I often attribute to this question. The quote is "If you build it they will come." I feel like if you build your brand and make enough noise/buzz people will find you wherever you are

If you could choose one label to sign with, which one would you pick?

ARCANE: Ruthless Records...do they still exist? lol

YOUNG FOCUS: That's actually a really hard question for me because I'd rather stay indy. But if I had to choose id say whoever is gonna fork up that 1M upfront lol

How much recognition did getting your mixtape posted on djbooth.net get you?

TCS: A lot actually. They were pretty much a co-sign which goes a long way in music. People are more likely to listen to your music if they get the referral from a trusted source.

What has been the most fun part of your career so far?

ARCANEThe response to the movement. I love that we are allowed to be ourselves and promote what we believe in and/live every day. Thats what inspired our slogan "DOPElife".

YOUNG FOCUS: To me, its just getting to see the response to the music. 

Were you excited to open up for Chris Webby last Saturday at the Majestic?

TCS: Yea it was fresh. Chris is a good dude with a great following so getting in front of new fans is always a rush.

What's up next for you guys now that Paranormal Karaoke is released?

TCS: Just knocking out quality videos, killing more/bigger shows and to keep on living the DOPElife.

Now I know what you're all thinking : How did you guys get an interview with dudes as cool as these guys? We don't have an answer to that. However, what we do have an answer for is when these guys are going to keep getting bigger and where you can download their latest mixtape, Paranormal Karaoke. These dudes are not only one of the freshest acts I've heard in a while, but they're some genuine nice dudes, and I can't imagine them not continuing to grow for a long time. Not only have they been featured on 2dopeboyz.com and djbooth.net, they have also recently got some playtime on Shade45, a popular XM radio channel. You can check out their latest mixtape, Paranormal Karaoke, right here (trust me, you do want to download this mixtape). 

Thanks again to The Cranberry Show for letting us ask them these questions, and make sure to follow them on twitter @cranberryshow and like them on facebook here.

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