Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Kid Cudi drops two songs from WZRD

Kid Cudi dropped two songs today, “Teleport 2 Me, Jamie” and “Brake” off his upcoming album “WZRD”, releasing on February 28th. As expected from his announcement of this album being a whole new genre and snippets of songs that have been releasing periodically through twitter, these songs are very different from anything Cudi has previously released. These songs have a very psychedelic feel, almost reminiscent of a hiphop Pink Floyd. If Kid Cudi would have been making music in the Pink Floyd era, I would assume this album could be called Dark Side of the Moon 2.

Teleport 2 Me, Jamie is most like his older stuff out of the two songs, while still being very different. Cudi is more vocal in this song, as opposed to Brake which features more of his Kid Cudi sing-humming, and topping it off with a minute and a half long 50% music solo, 50% trippy music demonstration.

All in all, I would say they are pretty good, but I’m not sure they’re for everyone. I would check them out for yourself (they're both on youtube in their entirety....shhhhh!) before I bought them on iTunes where they are currently available. Normally, we would post a link to a download right here, but since these are off a feature album they’re not being put out for free online so if you like them, stop being cheap, spend 99 cents and buy them.

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